July & August 1944

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2 July 1944
Forward echelon and main body boarded LST's lashed equipment and sailed.

3 July 1944
Arrived at Coville, France in the afternoon; beached and waited for tide to fall.

4 July 1944
Commenced unloading at 0130 hours. Imagine our surprise to find two echelons of our Battalion moving into same part of assembly area after having been apart for one week. Contacted 1103rd Group Headquarters and moved to bivouac area near Canchy, SE of Isigny, Normandy, France Traditional Fourth of July fireworks display by our AA weapons as a Jerry photographic reconnaissance plane flew over at dawn.

5 July 1944
Assigned sector of roads to widen, repair, and maintain.

6 July 1944 to 6 August 1944
Maintained and widened roads in assigned sectors, operated gravel pits, built roads and drained 4th Convalescent Hospital, near LaCambe, France, and constructed prisoner of war enclosure near St. Lo. We lost Lt. Col. Van Atta to first U.S. Army Engineer Headquarters; Major Reagan assuming command.

7 August 1944
Battalion moved from Canchy to Longueville, South of Vitre, France by way of Carentan, La Haye De, Coutance, Granville, Avranches, and Fougeres. It was a long harassing blackout drive to our final destination. Joined XX Corps of Third United States Army.

8 August 1944
"B" Company and composite bridge column assigned and joined the 5th Infantry Division, vicinity Becon, near Angers, France.

9 August 1944
Battalion less "B" Company moved to vicinity Becon, assigned and joined 5th Infantry Division. "B" Company assigned mission of constructing Treadway bridge across La Maine River at Bouche Maine.

10 August 1944
Immediately prior to completion of bridge Germans opened fire with 20 MM and small arms, wounding 5 men and pinning construction party down. The Division Engineer then committed remainder of our Battalion in effort to retrieve bridge equipment. After F.A. preparatory fire and small arms support, "B" Company assaulted and secured a bridgehead. "A" Company removed bridge material under sporadic small arms fire. The withdrawal of our assault troops was successful. "C" Company prepared approaches and floor on a Railroad bridge one mile South of Angers by which tanks successfully surrounded Angers and forced withdrawal of the enemy. H&S Company established a water point on the far shore of river under enemy F.A. fire. Several men of "B" Company were recommended for the Bronze Star Medal award.

11 August 1944
Battalion moved to a point 2 miles SW of Angers. "A" Company cleared roads and mines in vicinity of Angers. "C" Company maintained and secured a Railroad bridge South of Angers. Two water points in operation--one the most forward Infantry men said they had ever seen. "B" Company constructed 50 foot D/S Bailey Bridge across La Maine River in Angers under sporadic small arms fire.

12 August 1944
Battalion moved to point 1 mile East of Angers, France replacing 2nd Combat team on perimeter defense of Angers and outposted 6 mile sector. 13 August 1944 Relieved of perimeter defense and support of 5th Infantry Division. Moved to Vaige; assigned and joined 1137th Group. 14 August 1944 Departed at 1800 hours for assembly area; SE of La Ferte Bernard, moving by infiltration.

15 August 1944
Assembled SE of La Ferte Bernard and departed 1200 hours, to join 5th Infantry Division. Established Liaison with and followed 7th Engr. Combat Battalion in advance toward Chartre. The Division Engineer allowed our column to pass the Infantry, near Thivar, South of Chartre after night fall, resulting in the necessity for establishing outposts beyond the Infantry.

16 August 1944
Relieved of outpost duties at 0530 hours and moved to position West of Thivar; moved again 2 hours later to point 2 miles West of Thivar in Chateau ground. Our Reconnaissance section worked with 2nd Infantry Combat Team.

17 August 1944
Assigned to follow 1103rd Engineer Combat Group. "C" Company assigned and joined 2nd Infantry Combat Team of the 5th Infantry Division. Battalion moved to position 6 miles South East of Courville and established strong outposts capturing 4 prisoners overnight.

18 August 1944!
"C" Company rejoined Battalion. "A" Company assigned and joined XX Corps Headquarters as security troops. "B" Company assigned mission of replacing two Bailey bridges near Courville with wooden trestle bridges.

19 August 1944
"C" Company operated two saw-mills to provide lumber for bridges in Courville, and cleared roads in the vicinity. "B" Company removed Bailey bridge and constructed trestle bridges.

21 August 1944
At 0800 hours "B" Company finished one trestle bridge. Battalion less "A" Company moved out following 5th Infantry Division route of advance, supporting the Division. Battalion bivouacked at Quarville, 3 miles West of Male Sherbes.

22 August 1944 to 23 August 1944
No change in location. Battalion engaged in clearing roads of mines and debris.

24 August 1944
Battalion moved to position in Chateau grounds in Fruezy East of Nemours.

25 August 1944
Battalion less "A" Company engaged in regrouping, care and cleaning of equipment. "A" Company with Corps Headquarters serving as security. M/Sgt. Lukens captured 17 Germans.

26 August 1944
"C" Company assisted in the construction of Heavy Pontoon bridge and repaired a pile bridge in the vicinity of Missy on the Yonne River East of Montereau.

27 August 1944
Cleared roads of mines and debris, provided security for a Pontoon at Montereau and Missy.

28 August 1944
Battalion departed Nonville (Truesy) after a very delightful stay with Baron de Sanville for bivouac near Champaubert, South of Epermay patrolled and cleared roads.

29 August 1944 to 30 August 1944
Moved to bivouac area near Biene, East of Reime. Patrolled and cleared roads. "A" Company secured Corps Headquarters. Supported 5th Division.

31 August 1944 to 1 September 1944
Moved to vicinity of Manre near St. Menehould. Patrolled and cleared roads.

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