The Glenn Miller band under the direction of TISgt.
Ray McKinley played before a more than capacity crowd
here at the Group Playhouse on the night of June 13th.
They really turned out a super show and the playhouse
fairly rocked with thousands of feet keeping rhythm with
the music which was both hot and sweet. The band was
given such a tremendous ovation that they promised to
come back for a repeat performance on June 29th. There
will be plenty of transportation provided so that all
troops may have the opportunity to hear this great band.
4th Special Service. has just come through with the
announcement that rule books regarding base ball and
'soft ball are being printed and will be distibuted to
all Coprs troops within the next few days.
The Group Playhouse here on the post will be the scene
of a lot of great entertainment by A - 1 entertainers in
the future. The Glenn Miller, Harry Owen and Marlene
Dietrich shows were just a sample of what's to come.- As
you have already read in the S&S, there are
beaucoups of big stars either here now or on their way
over here and you can bet that, The Special Service'
officers are going to book all of them that they can, so
keep your eyes on the bulletin boards and also on the
"Post" for announcements of coming shows.
Movies Deluxe We have heard from a very reliable source
that the Playhouse .35 mm projection booth will be in
full operation within the next few days. The main
problem will be securing the film but all available
scouts are on the lob. So please have patience and we
will soon have picture shows lust like back home; no
stops for changing reels - just one swell continuous
Millers Band In Action

McKinley and the boys are shown above taking of on
the One- o'clock JUMP - and before they were finished
every body was jumping.
Through France we
traveled With "The Spearheading Ghost," General
Patton's ,4th Armored Div, Our comrades and host
Crossing 'the stream At many different sights,' We
bridged the Moselle, For the Ghost, at nights While
eighty eights were planted By our enemy foe, Landing
at our feet, With a devastating blow. Finally we'
landed In "The Bulge" you know, Defending little
Luxemburg, Our men alkl adore. Our friends of Mersch
We left with regret; Their hospitality and courtesy !
shall never forget. Then one day The Colonel said, Men
we have a river, Not far ahead. On into Germany From,
this river's banks, But oh! what a detail, For many
good Yanks. In tribute to the ones Left on "The Saur,"
We reverently respect, Those soldiers of the hour.
They fought with a spirit Of courage and esteem, 'To
save our country, From the Nazi regeim. Through "The
Siegfried Defenses" We blasted our wqy, To join the
Ghost, One future day. This time we are rolling To the
Moselle once more, The crossing was easy, On a
comparative score. On to the Rhineland Traveling in a
train, We caught the master race, Retreating in vain.
They saved a few shells For our crossing at the Rhine,
But the targets they hit Were all out of line. Finally
we landed On the Czech border, When the radio
announced The change of an order. The war was over in
the E.T.O. If you have 85 points Homeward you go.
Specialist at spearheading the stream, Endowed with
courage unforseen With honor and high esteem, I hail
this "Engineer Combat Team" Fraternally yours, PFC
??????? 150 Engr. Bn.
The 93rd's Battalion Exchange has finally come into
full bloom after a couple of weeks of materializing.
This gala opening revised an old song which hasn't been
heard around here since way last spring in England. The
Name of the song?? - "Now They're Selling What They Used
To Give Away." The PX features just about everything you
want or need including real honest to God cokes. One of
the big features of the place is a bar which serves ice
cold beer at a halt mark per. Yes, men, it's the same
beer you used to wash dishes with way back when - - But
it's rumored that we will have some real American beer
one of these days so keep your fingers crossed.
"NIX HABEN" TEXT BOOKS According to the latest
information, most of the instructors have been picked
and have already taken 'Irefresher" courses, some
subjects have been chosen and schools set up but the
text books are playing hard to get. However, all
possible ways and means are being. used to rectify the
situation. At present number one course in demand seems
to be auto mechanics with forgien languages running
second. Emphasis on French and German.
Now I lay me down to sleep, 1 love the army and my Jeep
But if I must stay for occupation, Please send me text
books for my education.
Six Pages
Next Week
Beginning next week we hope to add two more pages
featuring comic strips, cartoons, "gripes"1 question and
answer column and a few other items. So, if you are a
cartoonist, lets see your work. If you have any question
or "gripes" we want them too. There is a "Post"
representative in each Co. or Bn. Turn all your material
over to him "Toot Sweet". |