Back to September 1943

October 1943

Incidents, Messages, Orders, Etc Action

1 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

0900 1 0820 Field Msge fr S-3 - All Co's, 150th Engr Bn. Officers and EM to attend Fire Fighting Course all day Monday. Course to be held at Stuart Boy Scout Camp (vicinity of 628th Engr Company). Field rat will be needed for noon mess. Uniform will be clean fatigues. "A" company to send 3 0's and 6 EM "C" co. to send 2 0's & 6 EM, and "H&S" 2 NCO's. Co. "C" will also furnish 1 Sq Pioneer Set. (Motor Messenger) T(Co.AB
2 1000 Field Msge fr Asst S-3, 1111th - CO 150th Engr C. Bn. - Distant range in Fld Artillery near Buena is available for our use on 2, 3, and 4 Oct. 43. We are to contact Col. Eaton, G-3, in re to Guards, etc. Machine Gun Range located there will probably be available on these days. Verify this with Col. Eaton. (MM) T
3 0920 Field Msge fr Asst S-3 ,1111th - CO 150th Engr C Bn. - One road grader & opr fr 628th will report to lus on 1 Oct at 50 Target range for access rd job. These men fr 628th will be attached to our orgn for rations (MM) T

1030 Major Murmam, Automotive advisor fr Granite City. Ill. Visited Co VAN ATTA. Left area at 1300

1305 4 1300 Field Msge fr Asst S-3 - S-4

S-4 is to construct Water Point to be located 1 mile north & 1 mile west of Buena on secondary hwy #35 (Swamp area as shown on map) by 1600 hrs 4 Octobr 1943. (Delivered in person)


1500 5 1435 Field Msge fr S-3 - Co's ABC & H&S

All companies will fire carbine on 2 Oct at 0800 on Cortlandt Range (Approx 10 miles n. of Harmon) H&S will fur 6 EM pet detail; "A" will fur 8 men; and "B" will fur 8l; and "C" will fur 8 men. All co's will also fire transition range on 3 October. (Motor Msgr)


(Co's AB
C H&S)

1800 6 1445 Field Msge fr S-3 - CO, Company "B" Reported failure of drain in rear of QM Depot at 1200 this date. Co "B" is to investigate and take necessary measures to correct.

It has been raining all day.

Disposition of Companies:

"A" has moved to ½ miles past Davis.

"B" ½ of company in sames area at Alpena. Rest at Elkins on Latrine & sewer constr.

"C" Road construction at Davis.

T (Co. "B"

2 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia
1 1430 Field Msge fr 512 Ord - S-3 150th Engr. Bn. Requesting us to furnish 5 .30 cal machine guns. We are to inform Lt. Epstien as to what company he can obtained them from (MM)

Weather today was clear and warm.


3 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia
1 1600

2 Oct.


Field Message From S-3 1111 - C.O. Have surveying party to run survey for road and building in 27th Evac Area. Man in charge will report to Maj. Powell Engr Sec. Director Hqs 0800 3 Oct. 1943 to pick up map and receive additional instructions. (mm)
2 1600

2 Oct.


Field Message From S-3 1111 - C.O. Send one Officer familiar with building construction and one E.M. draftsman with drawing instruments, triangles and T - Sq to report to Engr. Sec. Directors Hqs 0800 3 Oct. (MM)
3 0825 Field Message From S-1 - C.O. Co. A.B. and C. Submit names of twelve (12) E.M. to go to Welfleet Mass. For training in Cal.50 Machine Gun. List should be in at Hqs not later than 2400 3 Oct. 1943. (MM)
4 0900 Field Message From Maj. Powell - S-3.

Water Point now in vicinity of Dry Fork will be moved to Pt. West of Cosmer School (47.6-66.7) by 1600 4 Oct. 1943. Will supply Red Forces during problem phase of maneuver. (MM)

6 1030 Protestant Church Services were held on the hill in the vicinity of the Bn. C.P.
7 1350 Field Message From S-3 - C.O. 1111. Report completion on 2 Oct. Of the folloeing assigned missions: 1. Drain repair near Enge. Property Warehouse, 2. Water and sewer connection near Dental Clinic, 3.Chapel benches and repair in Prov. Hqs Area 4. Connecting latrines and sewer near 94th Sig. Bn. Area, 5. Reinforcing floor in Ord. Prop. Warehouse, 6. Developement of RR bed as road near Davis. (MM)

8 1630 Cathollic Mass was held on the hill in the vicinity of the Bn. C.P.

The weather today was clear with a slight wind.

Disposition of Companies:

Company A. Bivouaced below Davis, working on road construction

Company B. Located near Alpena, installling floors in 27th Evac. Hospital

Company C. Located near Davis, working on road construction..

4 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

0845 1 0820 Field Message From S-3 - C.O. Co A. You will fire 1000" Course A. For Cal.30 gunners and Course B for Cal.50 gunners at Cortland Range 5 Oct. Borrow B Companies guns to assure having 6 guns on line at all times. Ammuniltion at S-4. Furnish own range Officer. Range Officer 94th Signal for firing on 1000" gange for 5, 6, and Oct. (MM)

0845 2 0825 Field Message From S-3 - Co. Co. B. You will fire 1000" M.G. Course A. For Cal.30 Gunners, Course B for Cal.50 gunners (if they haven't departed for Wellfleet) on 6 Oct at Cortlandt Range. Borrow Co. A guns to assure having 6 guns on line continuously. Furnish own Range Office. Targets and ammunition at S-4. (MM)

0845 3 0830 Field Message From S-3 - C.O. Co. C. You will fire 1000" M.G. Course A for Cal. 30 gunners and course B for Cal.50 gunners. (If they have'nt gone to Wellfleet) on 7 Oct at Cortlandt Range. 512 Ord. Will return your Cal. 30 M.G. 1200 5 Oct. Borrow additional from A. Co. To assure having 6 on the line continuously. Furnish own range Officer. Targets and ammunition at S-4. (MM)

1115 4 1115 Field Message From S-3 - C.O.A. N.C.O. in charge of Subsistance Warehouse Refrigerator job will report to Maj. Powell Engr. Sec. At 1400 this date for consultation with Civillian expert on plans for completion of job. (MM)

1115 5 1110 Field Message From S-3 - C.O. Co. B. Your unit will be attached to the 154th C.T. prior to, 1200 7 Oct. Mission to make road passible for 1/4 and 3/4 ton trucks. Supply and rations from this Bn. Suggested you contact C.O. 106th Engr., Unit with C.T., for details of operations. Fire table 2 page 125 R.M. 23-55 for all Machine Gunners and draw Cal.50 ammunition only. (MM)

1855 6 1850 Field Message From Ex. Officer. - Companies A,b,and C. The motion board will meet at 1100 % Oct. 1943 at Bn. C.P. (TEL. AND MM)
7 2000 Field Message From C.O. Co. A. Six targets will be open for carbine (record firing) Tues. Wed. And Thur. (Oct. 5-6-7)

Range Office to be furnished. Report to Lt. Wright (94th Sig) at Cortland Range. (MM)

5 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

2342 1 2340 Field Message From S-3 - C.O. Co.B. Investigate report of leakage of latrine near Engr. Supply Depot. Send 5 Dump trucks to clear Q.M. supply depot 0800 6 Set to haul coal. Cal.50 gunners only will be fired 6 Oct. H&S and C. Co. Gunners will fire with you. Lt. Anderson is range Officer. (Runner)

1230 Hand S Company and Company B moved from vicinity of Alpena to vicinity of Kerens West Virginia.

6 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

2100 1 2100 Field Message From S-3 - C.O. Co. C.

Make necassary repair to bridge on access road to Bn. Bivouac Area 7 Oct. Contact S-3 for exact location. Mission is of one squad size. Recommend gas saw. (MM)

Disposition of Companies:

Company A. Is still in Davis working on road construction.

Company B. Is in new Bivouac area with H&S company. There are preparing for moving out with C.T.

Company C. Is in Davis on Road construction.

The weather today is warm and clear except for the early morning at which time it was foggy and cold.

7 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

1315 1 1320 Field Message From S-3 - C.O. Co. C. Complete winterization of 27th Evac. Hospital beginning 0800 8 Oct. Contact Company B for details prior to 1700 7 Oct. (Today). Bivouac work party near jab. Have company Bivouac (withBn.) Ready for occupation prior to 1700 9 Oct. (MM)

1520 2 1515 Field Message From Maj. Powell. - S-3. 100 tons of coal per week to be hauled from mine at Norton West Virginia and distributed to units. Use dump trucks of 628th Engr. Light Equip. Co. When possible. Coordinate with QM and with C.o. of 628th. Mine closes daily at 1500. (MM)

Disposition of Companies:

Company A is in Davis on road construction.

Company B mived out with C.T.

Company C is in Davis on Road construction.

The weather today was warm and clear except for the early morning at which time it was foggy and cold.

9 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia
1 0935 Field Message from Major Powell - S-3

Operate Infiltration Course 12 Oct. 0830

1215 2 1210 Field Message from S-3 - Co. A, "A" Co. Is alerted as of 9 Oct 1943 for fire fighting duty in this maneuver area. Company will contunue present work and two squads will report to locations marked on attached overlay-one squad to Forest Service Ranger viciniy Kingston(42*63), and one squad viciniy Red Creek (53-61), See map, squads will report 1500 9 Oct 1943, Squads will report to company 1800 10 Oct. 1943 - Map atchd.

1215 3 1210 Field Message from S-3 - Co. B, Co.B is alerted for fire fighting duty as of 9Oct 1943. Co. Will continue present work, preparedfor immediate call for fire fighting.

1215 4 1210 Field Message from S-3 - Co. C, Co. C is alerted for fire fighting duty as of 9 Oct 1943, Co. Will continue present work, propared for immediate call for fire fighting duty.
Col. Gower of Director's Hqs visited general layout of our tent city.

Disposition of Companies:

Company A is at Buena on road construction except for two squads sent to fight fire in vicinity of Kingston and Red Creek.

Company B with the 154th C.T. on construction and alerted for firefighting.

Co. C on construction at 27th Evac Hosp was also alerted for fire fighting.

H&S Co. All available Officers and men departed for fire fighting at 1600, both returned after fire was checked.

The weather today was clear and warm, at certain times it would be windy.

10 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

1430 1 1400 Field Message from S-3 - H&S Co. - Infiltration Course at Daily will be open Tues 12 Oct 1943, 0800. Send all men who have not previously been through the Course, including Clark, Middleton, Lyons. (M)

1445 2 1355 Field Message from S-3 - Co. A. Infiltration Course at Dailey will be in operation Tues 12 Oct 0800. Send all men who have not previously been through the course including Sorrel, Ulmer, Wright. Co. C will operate Infilt. Course on above date. (M)

1445 3 1350 Field Message from S-3 - Co. B, Infiltration Course at Dailey will be in operation Tues. 12 Oct. At 0800. Send all men who have not previously been through the Course, incl. Norko, Slisinski, Bagley, Bouchard, Boucher, Byrd, King, LaForest, Sharpe, & Warren. (MM)

1445 4 1345 Field Message From S-3 Co. C, Co. C will operat Infiltration Course in Dailey, Tues. 12 Oct. At 0800. Send all men through course who have not previously done so. (MM)

1445 5 1330 Field Message from S-3 - Co. B, Investigate failure of sewer in warehouse, Elkins, W. Va. Cf. Field Message #2, dtd 28th Sept. 1943. (MM)

1500 6 1220 Field Message from Major Powell - CO, Have Radio Car No. 53 at junction of Reder Trail & Laneville Rd, will remain here until 1800 A.M. calling tps from 628th & 403d. (MM)

Disposition of Companies:

Co. A, road const. At Buena

Co. B, with the 154th C.T.

Co. C, at 27th Evac Hosp on Const.

The weather today was clear and bright except for the early morning cold and fog.

11 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia
1 1335 Field Message from Major Powell - CO Co. A Please furnish 1 Platoon to Radio Car 47 on Hill 4171 Cabin Mtn, to fight fire. Rpt to Capt. Wagenman. (MM).

1400 2 1400 Field Message from S-1 - Co. A Lt. Mann. Submit Report of Survey to this Hqs as soon as possible. This is urgent to complete Court Martial Charges against Murphy and Cooper. (MM)
3 1430 Field Message from Major Powell - C.O Need one zero zero men to report to car 53 at Road jct on Red Creek and Laneville Rd. Men will report at 1700 to Bivouac with pioneer tools: Acknowledge. (MM)

Acknowledgement wired by Capt. Gruber at 1630

1430 4 1430 Field Message from Lt. Gray - CO Co. A, Submit number of vehicles and there type that are in Ordnance for repair to Lt. Gray Motor Plll by 12 Oct. (MM)
5 1500 Field Message from CO. Co. A - C.O. Enclosed message was received at 1430 have comlied Road Construction virtually at a standstill. (MM)

Disposition of Companies:

"A" CO. Located at Buena: one platoon was at fire fighting this morning,

"B" Co. Located at Kerens Bivouac: one platoon now returned, fought fire last night.

"C" Located at 27th Evac Hosp. On const.

"H&SCo." sent 30 men to fight fire in vicinity of Lanesville, W. Va. 30 Miles.

The weather was warm, Clear, and bright except for the morning cold and fog.

12 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia
1 0840 Field Message from Lt. Miller Sig O - CO 150th Engr C Bn. Run TP line from your SWBD to 448th Engr Co and to 61st Engr Bn. Acknowledge:

0900 2 0920 Field Message from S-3 - Lt. Miller Sig O Acknowledge Mag #1 12 Oct 1943 re TP line fr our SWBD to 448th Engr Co and 61st Rngr Bn. - All available comm. Men from this Bn. Now fighting fires-will comply as soon as men return.

3 0715 Field Message from Lt. Mann Co. A - S-3 Re yo mag #4 of 10 Oct. Sorrell and Ulmer in conf. Wright ran thro Infiltration Course at Dailey on 16th Sept- the opening date of that range.
Major Cooper of Director's Hq. Inquire about tentage for other troops in this area.
Visited by Maneuver Are Sanitary officer's as to the health conditions of our camp.

Dispositions of Companies:

Co. A, still on road const. At Buena.

Co. B, Located at Derans Bivouac.

Co. C. On const. At the 27th Evac Hosp.

The weather today was warm and bright except for the morning fog.

13 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia
1 0830 Field Message from 204th Ord - CO Co.A

Pick up one, one and one half ton truck at 204th Ord. Depot. (M)

2 0830 Field Message from 204th Ord - CO Co. C, Pick up one quarter ton truck at 204th Ord. Depot. (Run)

0910 3 0845 Field Message from S-3 - CO Co, B, Please submit rpt on no. of men who went through infiltration course on 12 Oct from Co. B Refer to Mag #3 10 Oct

from this office. (MM)

0910 4 0900 Field Message from S-3 - CO Co. C, Please submit rpt on no. of men who went thru infiltration on 12 Oct from this office (MM)

0910 5 0845 Field Message from S-3 - CO H&S Co. Please submit rpt to this office on no. of men who went thru infiltration course on 12 Oct refer to mag #5 10 Oct from this office.(R)

Disposition of Companies:

Co. "A" still on Road const. At Buena

Co. B, moved to the vicinity of Kerens

Co. C, on coast at the 27th Evac Hosp.

The weather today was cold and damp with moderate rains though out the day.

14 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

No Field Messages came in this date.

Dispositions of Companies:

Co A, on const of roads at Buena

Co. B, in Kerans setting up tents and getting settled.

Co C, on const at 27th Evac Hosp.

The weather today was windy and cloudy, yet warm.

15 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia
1 0826 Field Message from Lt. Savage - All Unit Commanders, there will be a meeting of allCo. Supply Officers in conference room Forestry Building today 15 Oct. 1943 at 1300 G-4 Signed Col. Gower. (MM)

Disposition of Companies:

Co. A in the vicinity of Buena on road const.

Co. B, in Kerans

Co. C, at the 27th Evac Hosp on const.

The weather today was warm and clear, except for the rain storm at night.

16 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

0830 11 1940

15 Oct.

Field Message From S-3 - C.O. H&S Co. Please advise this office number and names of men in H&S Co. Who are authorized to carry the carbine but who have not yet fired or completed firing this weapon. (Runner)

0830 12 1950

15 Oct.

Field Message From S-3 - C.O. H&S Co. Check and amend attached list of men who have not fired M-1 rifle and send revised list to S-1 Section. Lyon, Eng., Huresky, Woody, Munyon, Pitts, Provencal, Weisman. (Runner)

0930 13 1930

15 Oct.

Field Message From S-3 - C.O. Co. B. Furnish 3 2 ½ ton trucks to 204th Engr. C. Bn. To report at 1200 16 Oct at Personnel unloading riding in Elkins, authority of Capt. Slear. (Runner)

0830 14 2000

15 Oct.

Field Message From S-3 - C.O. Co. B. Check and amend attached list of men who have not fired the M-1 rifle. Send revised list to S-1 Section - Irving, Mahoney, Bagley, LaForest. (Runner)

The weather today was cold with heavy rains.

At 1000 a small amount of hail fell.

Disposition of Companies:

Co. A,
Winterizing tents at the 27th Evac hosp.

Co. B,
Worked on area and hauled men from 204th Engr. C. Bn.

Co. C,
road construction in Davis.

1545 1 1520 Field Message from S-2 - Co. "A", Request all men of your Company be given the opportunity to Read (Pamphlet 21-1 "When you are over-seas") as soon as possible. (MM)

1545 2 1535 Field Message from S-2 - Co. C, Request all men of your company be given the opportunity to read (Pamphlet 21-1 "When you are over-seas") As soon as possible.) (MM)

1115 3
Field Message from S-3 - CO Co. C, Send 5 dump trucks to Co. A. (MM)

1940 4 0900 Field Message from S-3 to CO Co A., Advise this office number and names of men in Co. Who are authorized to carry the carbine, but who have not yet fired or completed firing this weapon. (MM)

0900 5 1930 Field Message from S-3 - CO Co. C, Please advise this office when Co. C will finish winterization of 27th Evac Hosp. MM

0900 6 0900 Field Message from S-3 - CO Co. C, Advise this office number and names of men in Co. C who are authorized to carry the Carbine but who have not yet fired of completed firing this weapon. (MM)

2000 7 0900 Field Message from S-3 - CO Co C, Check and mend attached list of men who have not fired the M-1 rifle. Send revised list to S-1 Section - Walsh, Moody and Rodgers. (MM)

0830 8 2000

15 Oct

Field Message From S-3 - Co C. Check and mend attached list of men who have not fired M-1 rifle and send revise list to S-1. Burzlaff, Clement, Lukins, McDonald, Kresge, Thibodeau, Benoit, Brennan, Chase, Facchiano, Frederick, Lamb, LeGrand, McKenna, Melanson, Sanborn, Shield, Soule, Sorrell, Sutcliffe, Ulmer, Venture. (MM)

0830 9 1945

15 Oct

Field Message from S-3 - C.O. Co. B. Advise this office number and names of men on Co. B. Who are authorized to carry the Carbine, but who have not yet fired or completed firing this weapon.

0830 10 1930 Field Message From S-3 - C.O. H&S Co. Furnish 3 2 ½ ton trucks to 204th Engr, C. Bn. To report at 1200, 16 Oct. At personnel unloading siding in Elkins - authority of Capt. Slear via Capt. Gruber.

17 Oct 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

1000 1 1000 Field Message from Lt. Sparling - CO Co. A, Chaplin from Dilr Hqs requests you send Pvt. Chase clothing. He is wet and has no change of clothing. (MM)

1000 2 1000 Field Message from Trans. Officer - CO 204th Engrs you will have to unload your trucks immediately. If you need trucks get in touch with transportation office. (MM)

1100 3 1045 Field Message from Lt. Lyon - CO Co. A, Submit report immediately to this Hqs as list showing ASN & SSN of EM not qualified for foreign service. Also number of men needed to full to T/O Strength including expected losses such as cadre etc. Ref. W.D. Cir 161 5 Oct/43 and AR 615-360 Sect. II&III. (MM)

1100 4 1050 Field Message from Lt. Lyon - CO Co A, Submit list of officers as per message #9 17 Oct, 1943 Ref: W.D. Cir #82. (MM)

1955 5 1530 Wire sent to Commanding General XIII, from Lt. Lyon - Request amendment to Par. 9 SO # 218, 16 Sept. 1943. Reason for non-compliance with original order was due to fact that Pvt. Leary was under Court Martial Restriction which terminated 15 Oct./43.
6 1645 Field Message from Maj. Powell - S-3, Have 2 Dump tks Rpt to Qm. WVMA at 0800 18 Oct/43 tks to haul coal for 2 days. (MM)
7 1705 Field Message from Maj. Powell - S-3 - Install furnace at YMCA all materials to be furnished by YMCA. (MM)

Disposition of Companies:

Co. A,
Winterizing tents at 27 Evac. Hosp.

Co. B,
One platoon helping Field Art. Taking down field gun from Mt. Rest of Co. In Kerens.

Co. C,
Road Const at Davis

The weather today was cold and windy with continuous rainfall all day long.

18 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

0915 1 0900 Fld Msg fr S-3 to Companies A, B, C & MP O All CO's to instruct their drivers to keep vehicles within limits marked by stakes and tracing tape along roadway to MP and S-4

S-3 to CO Co "B" Five trucks will report at coal mine (8) miles west of Elkins on Hwy #33 at 0800 19 October 1943

Weather today was warm and clear

Disposition of Companies:

Co. A,
Winterizing tents at 27th Evac Hosp

Co. B,
One plat helping FA taking down field gun from Mountain. Rest of Co. In Kerins.

Co. C,
Rd constr at Davis

19 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

0930 1 0900 Fr S-4 to CO. 403rd Engr Company We are out of drinking water. Requested delivery today but did not make any contact by phone. Hence this field message. (JEEP)

1115 2 1020 Fr S-3 to All companies All Co's will fire M-1 transition on Dailey Range. Prior to dates of firing all Co's will conduct preliminary marksmanship pertaining to M-1 trans firing - ie sight -setting range estimation, etc. All co's will also contact S-4 for ammunition ad equipment. All personnel must complete this firing. Furloughs and passes must be arranged to allow for maximum attendance.

Dates of Firing

H&S - October 26 and 27, 1943)

"A" - October 24 and 25, 1943)

"B" - October 22 and 23, 1943)

"C" - October 28 and 29, 1943)

1335 3 1330 FR S-3 to Lt. King, Co. "C" A gas mask with above named O's serial No. Has been found. Lt. King to verify and pick it up.

Weather today was clear and cool.

20 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia

0830 1 0815 Fr S-1 to CO, Company "A"

Lt. McCann, Lt. Monzione, Lt. Mann, Cpl Fyrbeck and Pvt Densky will report to this headquarters at 1330 today to confer with Capt. Duncan, TJA of General Court.

Weather today was clear and warm.

Disposition of Companies:

Co. A,
Winterizing tents at 27th Evac Hosp

Co. B,
One plat helping FA taking down field gun from mountain. Rest of Co. On Kerins.

Co. C,
Rd constr in Davis.

21 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

0930 1 0915 Fr S-3 to all companies

To facilitate M-1 Transition firing, arrangements should be made for men to fire with other companies when scheduled for furlough, prior to or after absence.

Company "B" firing - October 22, and 23rd

Company "A" firing - October 24, and 25th

Company H&S firing - October 26, and 27th

Company "C" firing - October 28, and 29th

0945 2 0915 CO 1103rd Engrs to CO, 150th Engr C Bn. Requesting copy of General Engineer Reconnaissance conducted by our battalion.

Weather today was cool and windy. It rained for one hour beginning at 0815.

Disposition of Companies:

"A" Co. - Kerens Bivouac Area

"B" Co. - Same - Firing M-1 Rifle Trans

"C" Co. - Winterizing tents at 27th Evac. Hospital.

22 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

0930 1 0915 FR S-2 to Lt. Graham, 1103rd Engr C. Gp Informed Lt. Graham that General Engr Recon. Data obtained by this bn has been borrowed by 61st Bn and has not been returned as yet.

0945 2 0800 Fr S-3 to CO Company "B" To send ten (10) men to YMCA in Elkins, to remove existing boilers and replace.

0945 3 0800 Fr S-3 to all Companies Schedule of Trans Firing as per Msg#1,2,3 and 4 rescinded. Revised schedule as follows: Co. "B" Oct 21, 22. Co. "A" Oct 23, 24. Co. "C" Oct 27, 28, H&S Oct 25, 26.

1500 4 1500 Fr S-2 to C.O. Company "C" Requesting return of key to Transit Case if in possession of Capt Goodkind.

Disposition of Companies:

"No Change"

Weather today was cold and WINDY.

All members of the Cadre were grouped together and are stationed in the area behind Company "B".

23 October 1943

WVMA Elkins, West Virginia
1 0835 Fr CO 1103rd Engrs to CO, 150th Engrs Have one CO who has had fire fighting instr rpt to oprns tent of 1103rd for purpose of instructing o's from 204th Engrs in methods of control. Designated o take green umpire flags for each vehicle atchd to problem.
2 1545 Fr S-3 to Lt. Anderson 15 men fr our orgn will rpt to Lt. Golding at 94th Sig Bn for aptitude test on Monday morning at 0900. Test will last 3/4 of and hour. Trans will wait until test is over in order to transport men back.
3 1545 Fr 94th Sig Bn to Lt. Anderson Classes are to begin at 0800 Tue morning Men will mess at 94th. Transportation is to be furnished by us.

1730 4 1700 Fr S-3 to Co's A B C & H&S Radio operators aptitude tests to be given 25 October. Companies to send men, exclusive of radio operators, with musical talent and I.Q. scores of at least 100 is possible H&S - 6 men Each line company - 3 men. Rosters are to be submitted to Lt. Anderson Men to rpt to msg center at 0745 25 October., Class "A" uniform.

2020 5 2000 Fr Adjutant S-1 to All company Cmdrs and Staff Officers A meeting of Company commanders and staff officers will be held at 0900, 24 Oct 43.

Weather today was clear and warm.

Disposition of companies:

No Change.

24 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

1400 1 1125 Fr CO, Company "C" to S-1 Requesting change on Officers duty roster to a later date the name of Lt. Helstrom.
2 2226 Fr Telegram, Westport, Conn. to Pvt Joseph Valinate, Company "C"

"Mary had a baby boy, both doing fine."

3 2226 Telegram fr Putman, Conn. To Sgt Edward Vose, Company "A"

"Dad in hospital with pneumonia. Come home if possible. Wire back."

Weather today has been clear and cold

Disposition of companies:

No Change.

25 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

1400 1 1400 Fr Ex Officer to CO, Company "C" Requesting thorough search for letter concerning Pvt Pearalls. Neg rpt desired.

Weather today has been cold and damp. A slight rain fell all thru the day.

Disposition of Companies:

No Change.

26 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

0930 1 0925 Fr Ex Officer to CO, Company "C" Requesting Company council book be for warded to the Ex O immediately for quarterly auditing.
2 0930 Fr CO, 1103rd to Co, 150th Engrs We are to have six (6) dump trucks report to QM Depot for purpose of hauling coal today and tomorrow, 26 and 27 October.
3 1330 Fr CO 1003rd Engrs to Co, 150th Engrs Grade and surface service road in the Evac Hosp Area. Surfacing material may be shale or mine failings. Road runs fr entrance of road to Wdp.
4 1555 Fr CO, 1103rd Engr C Gp to CO, 150th Engrs. 4 ward tents Evac hosp are to be centrally heated. Make a survey to determine size of boiler, no. Of radiators, and design of boiler house. Send list of materials to Director's Headquarters.
5 1036 Fr 1103rd CO to CO, 150th Engrs Requesting verbal report on status of YMCA furnace installations.
6 1036 Fr CO 1103rd to CO, 150th Engrs Construct floors only in two additional ward tents at 27th Evac. Hosp. Info as to which tents available at hospital.

Disposition of Companies:

"A" - Unit training in Battalion area

"B" - Construction of hand grenade court Northeast of battalion area.

"C" - Transition firing - M-1

H&S - Staff and Service functions

Weather today was cool and cloudy

27 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

1600 1 1540 Fr S-3 to Co CO, "A" Company "A" is to provide a pit detail for Carbine firing on 28 Oct and 29 Oct. It will consist of 1 NCO and 26 men. Will provide own transportation and be ready to move out for Bueno Range at 0600 with convoy under Lt. Glasser.

1600 2 1540 Fr S-3 to Co CO, "C" Above company will fire transition M-1. Firing will be held on Daily Range 28 and 29 October 1943.
3 0930 FR CO, 1103rd to CO, 150th Engrs Construct grenade range according to plans and at site discussed October 25, 1943

1600 4 1600 Fr S-3 to CO's, All companies Auth SMG's (12 per co.) Will be ready to move out at 0800, 28 Oct. To fire "B" course at Daily range. C Company will provide 3 trucks for transportation. Will rpt to Lt. Anderson at Bn Hqs. Uniform C-4. C or K rations for noon meal.

1530 5 1530 Fr S-3 to CO's, all companies

Carbine firing at Buena Range, 28,29,30,31 Oct. 1943. OIC of firing- Lt. Glasser

Range Off. - Lt. Sparling

Pit Officer - Lt. Mann.

On Oct 28, each co. To send ½ of auth carbine armed EM's and O's plus four (4) potentially armed carbine men, who have not completed both known dist and transition carbine firing. The remaining EM's and O's to be sent 29 Oct. B co. To furnish 2-21/2 and 1/4 ton trucks. Convoy to leave at 0600 Un is C-4. H&S co. To pick up hot food from each company by 0930 to reach range by 1200 Remainder of H&S Co to fire familiarization on 30 and 31st of Oct.

Weather today has been very cloudy. It has been drizzling all day long.

Disposition of Companies.

28 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

2105 1 2047 Fr S-3 to CO's of all companies Designated .50 cal machine gunners (12 per company exclusive of .30 cal gunners) will be ready to move out at 0800 29 October to fire at Dailey Range. H&S will provide 3 trucks for transportation. All men are to report to Lt. Anderson at 0745 at Bn. Headquarters.

2105 2 2050 Fr S-3 to all CO's of all companies This message (No. 1 dated 28 Oct Msg Ctr #2) cancels all conflicting in messages No. 1, dated 27 October. All t/O carbine armed EM & O that are available, who have not carbine known distance and transition firing will fire 29 Oct on Buene Range. Co. To provide own transportation. Convoy to form in front of bn headquarters.

Disposition of companies:

A, B, C, H&S - First three grades and potential carbine armed EM firing on Buena range. All line companies engaged in unit training, H&S staff and service functions.

It has been raining hard all day long.

30 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

1801 1 1800 Fr S-3 to CO, H&S Company

On 30 Oct. 43 Co. Will fire familiarization with carbine on the 1000" range at Dailey. Supply, safety, range control at discretion of company commander.

1600 2 1600 Fr S-3 to CO's, all companies

A memorandum in dup will be submitted to this section by 1200, 30 Oct 1943 showing the following:

a. List of O and EM who have completed M-1 transition firing, with their individual scores.

b. List of O and EM who have not completed such firing and their disposition.

Totals of par's a&b must equal co. strength

3 1600 Fr S-3 to CO, 1103rd Engrs Gp

Status of assigned projects as of 2400, 28 October 1943

Ref Msg 1, 27 Oct 43 - Ren completed

Ref Msg 3, 28 Oct 43 - Action pending word from YMCA officials.

Ref Msg 2, 27 Oct 43 - Ren completed

Ref Msg 4, 27 Oct 43 - Ren completed

Ref Msg 5, 27 Oct 43 - Job ½ completed

1641 4 1640 Fr S-3 to CO's all companies

Designated 50 cal gunners to fire on Dailey range, 30 Oct. H&S to provide trans.

1701 5 1700 Fr S-3 to CO. Company "A"

Lt. Mann chg of pit detail of 20 men on 30 October on Dailey range.

1701 6 1700 Fr S-3 to CO's all companies

T/O armed personnel not completed known distant and unknown distance firing on carbine will fire Buena range 30 Oct 43. Co. "B" to provide transportation. Lt. Glasser in charge. H&S will provide truck to pick up messes from all companies.

Weather today has been cloudy.

Disposition of companies

1335 1 1330 S-2 To CO's all companies

Requesting return of all maps not necessary for routine opr of company.

1805 2 1800 Fr S-3 to CO's, all companies

Correction to memo on trng sched dated 30 October 1943

Par 2 (d) cancel report Launcher Firing on 3 Nov. Corrected time - 1700 2 November

Weather today has been: rain and cold

Disposition of companies.

All men who have not completed firing on range are firing today. H&S - staff functions, - COMPANY A, B, C - Unit training.

31 October 1943

WVMA, Elkins, West Virginia

0845 1 0845 Fr S-3 to CO's of all companies

Designated 50 cal gunners plus weapons sgts to leave for Buena Range at 0700 1 Nov 1943. Each company to supply own transportation. Lt. Anderson in charge. C Company to provide truck to pick up mess fr each company.

0950 2 0950 Fr Ex O to CO's of all companies

WVMA Directive on 1st Echelon School to be conducted in area, To be complied with.

1720 3 1700 Fr S-3 to CO's all companies

All T/O armed men who have not qualified with TSMG to fire Daily Range 1 Nov at 0700 Substitutes will be taken. Lt. nelson in charge. "B" Co. To supply transportation.

1853 4 1850 Fr S-3 to CO's of all companies

To comply with fire fighting instructions to be given by Mr. Barr.

H&S - 2 NCO's and 10 EM

"A", "C" - 2 NCO's and 20 EM

"B" Company - 2 NCO's and 10 EM

Weather today has been warm and clear.

Disposition of companies:

Co's A, B, C - Unit training

H&S - Staff functions.

Forward to November 1943
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