Back to January 1944

February 1944

There was no time in, out, serial #, time dated, or action taken this month
Incidents, Messages, Orders, Etc.
1 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Co. A,
One platoon working on road near north end of airport. Two platoons working on road near south end of airport. Remainder of company working on grading.

Co. B,
One platoon of this company working on construction of runway. Second and third platoons working on construction of Butler Hanger.

Co. C,
First platoon working on road construction, central portion of Airport, grading and preparing for concrete forms. Second platoon are preparing for blister Hangers.

Third platoon working on runway, leveling and drainage.

On staff and service functions.

A.D.E. and S-3 Sections working and surveying airport area.

We had a nice clear day with even sunshine for a change.

2 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Co. A,
First platoon working on road construction at north end of airport. Second and Third platoon working on south end.

Co. B,
First Platoon working on construction of runway. Second and third platoon working on construction of Butler Hanger.

Co. C,
First Platoon working on road construction on central portion, leveling and preparing for concrete forms. Second platoon preparing for Blister Hanger. Third Platoon working on leveling and drainage.

H&S Co.
On Staff and Service Functions.

A.D.E. & S-3 section surveying airport.

Slightly cloudy yet warm today.

3 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Co. A,
Entire company working on road construction.

Co. B,
Entire company working on Butler Hangers.

Co. C,
First Platoon working on road constr. and leveling, preparing for concrete forms. Second and Third platoon making preparations for erecting Blister Hanger.

H&S Co.,
Staff and Service Functions.

Today was cloudy and windy and somewhat cold.

4 February 1944
Kingston, Bagpuize

Co. A,
Two platoons grading, laying concrete forms and pouring concrete on southern end of new road into airport. The remainder of Co. is digging french drains along runway, #2.

Co. B,
Two platoons erecting Butler Hanger #2 Using two cranes that were borrowed from the 342nd Engrs. Remainder of Company clearing mud from the runways.

Co. C,
One platoon on central portion of new road laying forms and pouring concrete. One platoon excavating and making concrete forms for the foundation of Blister Hanger #1. Remainder of Company clearing mud and digging french drains along runway #2

H&S Co.,
S-3 and A.D.E. SECTION, surveying Road and Hangers. Remainder of company on Staff and Service functions. Today being a windy day it hampered work on all parts of the Airport.

The mud is drying which will help construction.

Aside from the wind it was a nice clear day.

5 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

The disposition of the Platoons and the work is the same as Friday the 4th of Feb. 44, however it's a much pleasanter day. Sun is shining and getting warmer. The mud is drying considerable and makes working condition much better. There are going to be three blister hangers and two Butler hangers at the Airport. The 342nd Engr. Regt. is supposed to erect the first Butler hanger and Company "B" of our Battalion is erecting the second one. Our Battalion will erect the Blister Hangers, one of wood and two of prefabricated steel.

6 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Today there were very few men working on the Airport in view of the fact that today is Sunday. The S-3 section had most of their men working so that the battalion would have everything set up in the morning.

Most of the Battalion either went to church of slept till a late hour as today was a day of rest. A convoy was sent to Oxford for recreational purposes in the afternoon. The day was clear and cold, colder than we ever expected it to be here in this damp country.

7 February 1944
Kingstson Bagpuize

After a restful Sunday the men were eager to start off even though some think of it as a blue Monday.

Co. A,
Two platoons laying forms and pouring concrete on Southern end of new road. Remainder of the company clearing mud from runways and brushing sand in the Pierce Planking.

Co. B,
One platoon erecting Butler Hanger #2. Remainder of Company clearing mud and brushing sand on Runway #1 and #2.

Co. C,
One platoon grading, laying forms and pouring concrete on new road central portion. One platoon erecting blister Hanger. Remainder of the company on miscellaneous work on runways.

H&S Co.
Staff and Service functions and S-3 and A.D.E. section working at the Airport.

Today the wind made it pretty rough for the S-3 and A.D.E. section working with the transit and level. It was a crisp cold day, but very windy.

8 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize
Nothing new to add except that the same distribution of men and work as yesterday. The Airport is beginning to look like something now besides a mud hole. The mud has dried now except for a few fills. Both Butler Hangers are nearing completion and the Blister Hangers are rapidly taking shape. The new road (concrete is practically finished as far as pouring concrete goes. With good weather and a little luck and if we keep getting concrete fast enough it should be completed by the end of this week. The Battalion is also to start building Ronney Huts soon. ADE and S-3 sections are to start laying plans and surveying for them tomorrow. Quite a few of these Huts are to be built. They are pretty well scattered over the Airport. We have been fortunate lately as we have had good weather.

9 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Co. A,
Half of the company working on grading and laying forms, also pouring concrete on new road. Remainder of company brushing sand and clearing mud from Runways.

Co. B,
Entire co. clearing mud from Runways and brushing sand into pierced planking.

Co. C.
Two platoons clearing mud and brushing sand on Runways. Remainder of company laying forms and pouring concrete on new road.

A.D.E. Section and S-3, Laying out foundation for Romney huts.

H&S Co. On Staff and Service Functions.

The weather today was cloudy and cold.

At about 1510 we heard of a plane crash it was flashed over to me by phone and I immediately called H&S Co. to notify Capt. Doyle our medical officer. The story as I heard was that the plane was an Artillery Observation (Cub type) plane. The pilots name I could not get but one of our officers was also in the plane. Coming in to land the plane was caught in a downward draft and hit nose down. It immediately caught fire and men ran from all directions to help put the fire out and take the two men to safety. Lt. Col. Van Atta our C.O. was the first one to arrive at the scene of the Crash. Capt. Doyle said the pilot may not live whereas Lt. Helstrom may have a fractured jaw. The fine points of the crash are yet to be known.

10 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize
Co. A,
Half of the company working on now concrete Road. Remainder of company doing miscellaneous work on Runways.

Co. B,
Entire company clearing mud, brushing sand and digging French drains on Runways.

Co. C,
Half of company working on erection of Blister Hanger #1. Remainder of company working on the new road, also still pouring concrete.

ADE & S-3 Section still on various jobs out on the airfield.

H&S Co. On Staff and Service functions.

The weather today was clear and cold.

11 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Co. A,
Two platoons of this company are working on roads to the airport. One platoon doing miscellaneous work on runways.

Co. B,
Entire company clearing mud and brushing sand on runways.

Co. C,
Two platoons erecting Blister Hangers. One platoon on miscellaneous work on runways.

ADE & S-3 Section: Still surveying on various jobs at the airport.

H&S CO. On Staff and service functions.

The weather today was clear and warm.

Major Steele of the 204th Engrs paid the Bn a visit today.

Col. Carter of First Army (Engineer) paid us a call and also inspected the camp site and the airport.

12 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Co. A,
One Platoon of this company is pouring concrete on the new road, forms are all laid and this section of the road is near completion. The north end is yet to be graded and the concrete is yet to be poured. One platoon is grading and laying forms for the foundation and floor of one Romney Hut. This hut is similar to the Nissen Hut but much larger in size and is used for storage. There will be approximately ten of the Romney huts assembled. Remainder of the company is brushing sand into runway and filling in the low spots.

Co. B,
One platoon working on Butler Hanger. This hanger is near completion as far as the steel framework is concerned. A squad of this company has started laying steel planking on a hard standing near the Operations building. These hard standings are parking places for Fighter Planes. The remainder of the company is working on the runways, brushing sand and filling in the low spots. The heavy rains wa had a short while back has nearly ruined the runways, a lot more work is going to be required putting them back in shape once more.

Co. C,
Two platoons are assembling Blister Hangers, one is near completion, the other was just recently started. Remainder of the company is doing miscellaneous work on the runways.

H&S Co.
Regular staff and service functions.

The weather today was clear and warm.

13 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Due to the high priority this Airport Project has recently been given, the battalion has gone all out for work. A seven day week schedule has been put into force for everyone. The place is looking more and more like an airport everyday, the weather having been fairly decent for the past few days. The snow we had Thursday melted and left everything pretty wet for awhile, but now the mud is drying up and work is going full speed. The weather is still brisk but just right for good working conditions. The miscellaneous work being done on the runways at present is the result of rains and bad weather. The steel planking has to be lifted via crane or wrecker and sand sifted through in order to fill in the low spots which would be underwater if it should rain very hard. Constant traffic on the runways, while the ground was wet, has caused mud holes and slushes in the runway base.

The Butler Hanger has been finished as far as erection is concerned . The canvas still has to be drawn and the floors sanded and graded. The Blister hanger is also near completion, canvas having to be drawn and floor to be graded. Due to the lack of wrenches of proper size a lot of bolts still need tightening.

The central and southern end of the new cut-in road is completed, with the northern and needing filling and grading and concrete yet to be poured.

Co A.
One Platoon miscellaneous work on runaways. One platoon pouring concrete foundation and flooring of Romney Hut. Remainder of company on the new road, completing central and southern portion.

Co B.
One Platoon completing the erection of the Butler Hanger and making preparations for lifting the canvas cover. One platoon laying straw and pierced plank on the hard standings. The use of straw is merely and experiment, usually sand is spread out, rolled, then the pierced planking is laid on the hard surface, the new method is being tried to do away with the excessive moisture.

Co C.
Two platoons erecting the two Blister Hangers. Remainder of company working on the runaways.

H&S Co.
Same work each day for this company, Staff

Sections still surveying, using the Transit and Level constantly.

14 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Co A.
1st Platoon on the new road, most of the forms are now laid, with a little more grading to be done. The battleneck secure enough cement at any one time. The 2nd Platoon is still very much occupied on the runways. The 3rd Platoon is still split up half pouring concrete floors for Romney Hute and the remainder of the platoon helping the 1st platoon on the roads.

Co B.
1st Platoon is split up with half working on the run ways and the remainder building hard standings. The third Hard standing with straw is now completed, the remainder of them will not have straw on them. The hard standings. The third Platoon is assembling ropes and pulleys making preparations to raine the canvas cover on one of the Blister Hangers.

Co C.
First Platoon on runways doing the same type of work . The second and third platoons are erecting blister hangers. The first one is finished but a lot of bolts need tightening. The second hanger is gradually taking shape.

H&S Co.
Still the same old grind of Staff and Service functions with a little extra night training in compass problems, hikes, scouting and patrolling put in for the soldier who doesn't find time to keep his bunk and equipment in a neat and orderly fashion.

The weather today has been very cloudy with the usual threats of rain.

15 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuize

Co. A
One platoon on northern end of new road. There is still a lot of grading to be done here. Using two graders and a bull-dozer for this work. The men are laying forms for concrete and putting drains across road bed. One platoon clearing mud and brushing sand on the runways. One Platoon is split up, eleven men working on the follr of Romney Hud, the remainder of the company on the runways with the second platoon.

Co. B.
One platoon on runways clearing mud and brushing sand. One platoon laying pierced pland on the hard standings. One platoon making preparations for raising the canvas cover on the butler Hanger.

Co. C.
One platoon working on the runways. Two platoons working on the two blister hangers, one on each.

H&S Co.
Still performing Staff and service functions.

The weather was cool and cloudy all day, with a light rain late in the evening.

16 February 1944
Kingston Pagpuze

Work at the airport is practically at a standstill today due to the very hard rains last night and nearly all day today. Rains such as this is really something to slow up the wheels of industry, and makes a lot more work before work can be started again.

H&S Co.
Staff and Service functions.

17 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze
The 342nd Engr Regt has raised the canvas on one of the Butler Hangers making almost a complete job on one of the hangers. The men on our Butler should be raising their canvas tomorrow, weather permitting. The rains of yesterday has raised havoc with the runways once more, following is the disposition of the company:

Co. A.
First platoon pouring concrete on the now road and getting right along with it. The Second platoon is working on the runway and getting right along with it in spite of the rains and they are looking pretty good. The third platoon is still split with one squad working on Romney huts, taking down forms and making preparation for the erection. A squad is on the roads with the first platoon and a squad is on the runways with the second platoon.

Co. B.
First and the Second platoons are on the runways. The third platoon is on the butler hanger, arranging ropes and canvas getting ready to raise the canvas roof.

Co. C.
First plat on is working on the runways. The second and the third platoon is working on Blister Hangers. The work is going quite slow because of the dangerous going on the wet steel, however the sheeting is going up on the first blister.

H&S Co.
Staff and Service functions, with the ADE and S-3 still surveying for the new Romney Huts.

The weather is somewhat clearer but quite cold.

18 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze

Co. A.
First and Second platoons are working on the north end of the new road. The concrete is coming in weary satisfactorily now, if weather permits and concrete keeps coming the road should be finished the first part of next week. The Third Platoon is working on the northern end of runway No 2, clearing mud, leveling and brushing sand.

Co. B.
First and Second platoons are working on the northern end of runway No 1, the 342nd Engr Regt has one company here also, so now it will be shaping up rather fast. The Third platoon is arranging ropes and pulleys almost ready to raise the Canvas roof.

Co. C.
The entire company is working on the Blister Hangers, the sheeting on No 1 Hanger is about one-half finished. The No 2 Hanger is not as yet completed as far as erection of the steel is concerned due to the shortage of materials.

H&S Co.
Still Staff and Service functions. The S-4 Section of Bn Hq is preparing for the necessary equipment for the Bns new home.

The weather is quite clear but very cold.

19 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze

Co. A.
First and Second Platoons are still on the new concrete road and coming right along with the work, they are very near to completion now. Third platoon is still on the runway No 2, leveling and brushing sand. The job looks very good.

Co B.
First platoon is leveling and brushing sand on runway No 1, they are being assisted by one Company of 342nd Engrs. The Second platoon is out at the new campsite at Clifton Heath doing general cleanup work and regular details before the troops are ready to move in. The third platoon is starting to raise the canvas for the roof.

Co. C.
The entire company is busy finishing up the Blister Hangers. The first is very near to completion and the second is coming right along with nearly half of the sheet metal siding on.

H&S Co.
Staff and Service functions with the ADE Section and the S-3 Section of Bn Hq very busy with the surveying. Lt Pierce who has just recently returned from Gasschool is now taking over the surveying angle.

The weather is slightly cloudy with the sun shining every now and then.

20 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze

Co. A.
The first, second and part of the third platoon is very busy trying to finish the job of straightening out the bad spots in Runway No 2. The balance of the third platoon is busy laying out and leveling sites for the additional Romney huts.

Co. B.
Forst and Second platoon busy clearing the Cliften Heath Camp site also setting up tents and various other installations. Third platoon still putting the canvas skin on the now almost complete Butler Hanger.

Co. C.
The entire company is busy on the Blister Hangers now putting the roof on Hanger No 2.

H&S Co.
Still staff and service functions with the usual surveying projects under way. S-4 is working like mad trying to get the necessary equipment ou th the new camp site, a real job with the shortage of transportation, a very common handicap in this theater.

21 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze

Co A.
First Platoon still on the new road at the Northern end of the new airport, doing grading and pouring of the cement. The Second Platoon is out at the the new camp site getting ready for the troops to move in, erecting tents, clearing and etc. The Third Platoon is busy on the Romney Huts on the airport they are just erecting the framework for one new hut after having laid the foundation.

Co. B.
The First and the Second Platoons are out at the new camp site getting the area in shape for the troops, while the Third Platoon is still on the airport moving in dirt and grading the floor of the Butler Hanger. They have finished with the canvas roof and are erecting the canvas walls.

Co. C.
The First Platoon of this Company is doing miscellaneous work on the Blister Hanger such as laying pierced Plank floor, grading, sheeting the sidewall and etc. The Second and Third platoons are also busy on the Blister Hangers erecting the walls and doing the sheeting.

H&S Co.
Staff and Service functions with the S-4 section still very busy drawing the necessary supplies and equipment for the new area.

The weather is fairly clear but very cold.

22 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze
Co. A.
The first and Second Platoons are busy on the new road and also the new Romney Huts. The road is almost completed. The new hut that was just started yesterday is shaping up very rapidly. The Third platoon is still located out at the new camp site and will stay there until joined by the rest of the company.

Co. B.
The First and Second platoons are out at the new camp site erecting the tents and the general cleanup jobs are also theirs until they are rejoined by the rest of the company. This company is also running the kitchen to feed the men of the 150th that is now out there for various incidental jobs. The Third platoon is still busy on the Butler Hanger and have it near completion.

Co C.
The entire company is very busy trying to complete the Blister Hanger that has been taking up so much of their time. The job is very close to completion and very well done.

H&S Co.
S-4 has pretty well finished the task of getting necessary supplies out to the new camp site. The S-3 section has finished the surveying on the new airport and is now occupied with job of drawing a drawing of the new area. It would appear that the line companies have pretty well licked the question of a seven day week since they have worked out the plan of letting a squad of men off each day on a twenty-four hour pass, the only company that seems to be hard pressed is H&S Co.

The weather is beautiful this AM

Clear and sunny.

23 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze
The project is very near to completion with both the Butler Hangers completed and the Three Blister Hangers very nearly finished. The Concrete road is all but finished, with all the concrete poured now comes removal of the forms and the final grading. All companies are working together to finish up this job by the end of the month.

The weather was a bit cloudy this morning but by afternoon the sun came out and it turned fairly warm.

24 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze
All companies are very busy today with parts of each company out at the new area. In the new area B Co is running the mess and doing a fine job of it by all reports.

The Airport is gradually shaping up to what it should be, with some pierced planking yet to be laid on the hard standings and the taxiways, there grading yet to be done on the new road and a few Romney huts to be built which is to be used as supply huts for the air forcow. The runways and Hangers are all finished.

The weather is clear and very cold.

25 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze
The work on the airport is coming along in fine shape with all projects coming near to completion. The grading on the new road is nearly finished and the Romney Huts are coming along in fine shape, begins to look like the job will be finished by the end of the month as far as the 150th is concerned.

The new area is practically ready to receive its additional personnel and the S-3 section has a drawing of the area very nearly completed, a fine piece of work, worked out to the exact scale.

The weather today has been fairly warm with clouds and light mists at night.

26 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze
Only a very little work left for the 150th is concerned. The work on the Blister Hangers is very nearly done with only a little grading left to do. The concrete road will not be entirely completed by this unit, the work will be taken over by the Air Ministry and finished with civilian workmanship.

There is a lot of work left to be done in the new area at Clifton Heath. More than one would realize.

The weather is fairly cold with a light snow.

27 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze
Today being Sunday there is no work, the first rest day in nearly a month. Most of the men have gone into Oxford on pass.

The weather quite warm and a little cloudy.

28 February 1944
Kingston Bagpuze
Very few men and working on the airport due to the anticipated move, most men are packing equipment and doing general police duty. There is nearly two platoons still working on the grading around the Blister Hangers.

The weather is quite cool and cloudy.

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